
Posts Tagged ‘sea air and land’

Kudos to the Navy Seals

April 14, 2009 1 comment

swbkudosKudos out the The Navy Seals … along with a load of thanks.  these guys go through training rigorous enough that most athletic people would consider pure inhumane torture.  They do this to make sure they have the ability to save people that others find humanly impossible to save. If you have every read about the training they go through, you will find out that sometimes they even put their lives on the line during training. It’s just that tough.  You know your friend that holds up the end of your car with his bare hands while you change your tire? He probably wouldn’t make it through Navy Seal training.

This is a call-out too …. they are looking for about another 1000 to be trained by 2014. Click Here for their website if you are interested.  If you are not familiar with them, these are the guys that saved the Captain of the Maersk Alabama from Somalian Pirates.

If you don’t want to join … and you know a SEAL – thank them profusely, for if you are ever traveling internationally and needs rescued you will surely meet one.  They give up three years or more of their lives for pure basic training to protect you.

Click Here for a reference article from USA Today by Tom Vanden Brook and Oren Dorell on the Navhy Seals sniper training.  This gives you a really good summary on what these guys go through to finally get to the advance sniper training.


PS – I hear these guys make good club bouncers.