
Posts Tagged ‘pittsburgh storm’

My Winter 2010

February 18, 2010 Leave a comment

My Winter

Staring out the window, the only sight … three feet of snow.

Our family pup alerting us the hard way, the snow gives him no where to go (and we’re running out of paper towels).

The boredom in the eyes of a young anxious child (energy building up to blow).

This year’s winter woes, payback for complaining about years without snows (we complained of no winters, didn’t we??).

Sledding a perk this year, if actually finding the hill wasn’t so much work (I’m getting too old for this !@#@).

A white comforter of snow padding my garage, now laying on my car (the insurance adjuster crying while cutting the check).

My new shoes once bright and shiny, now crusty, filthy, and whiny (even Payless is beyond what I can afford now … since they are trying to be “fashionable”).

Two family fur balls now swimming in the basement flooding from the winter’s thaw of revenge (they’re cats … they float).

Icicles forming on the stairs going to the bedroom, the heat finally giving way to the cold (the electric company forgot about us again … go figure).

The confused looks of those in my house, now turning blue (like I’m supposed to do anything about this white crap).

These are my memories of the snowy winter wonders from the Pittsburgh winter blizzard of 2010 (Brandy … I need another bottle of Brandy!!).


PS – Mother Nature is sticking her tongue out at us and laughing.