
Posts Tagged ‘driving humor’

Safety not an issue for House Of Representatives

April 23, 2009 Leave a comment

cluelesstrophyThe cell phone ban has been defeated in the house because they’d rather put an additional $50 fine on a ticket.  Now a whopping $50 is really going to stop people from using cells while driving (especially a rebellious teen with a fake jewel encrusted cutie phone).  The $50 really helps those families of cell phone induced wrecks with the funeral arrangements and family loss after someone talking on a cell driving kills one of their family.  It makes you wonder how much the cell phone industry contributed to the future election funds of House Of Representatives members.

This is just a completely, and totally clueless action by the House Of Representatives that could have easily increases road safety by a decent percentage.  Obama may be a chance, bt obviously the House is not one.  This is a typical instance of our government selling out our safety for another industry.

Click Here for a reference article from Tom Barnes of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Click Here for an older (and slightly more humorous) post about the cell phone ban.

To the 95 members of the House that voted “Nay!” … you all get a clueless award.


PS – To those idiots with the phones stuck to the sides of their heads driving …. that {{thump}} wasn’t a speed bump.

Cell phone ban in cars for PA drivers

March 26, 2009 1 comment

carsonst20041Voters in PA are going to support banning the use of cell phones. Click Here for the reference article from The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

SWB sees some major problems coming with this. I don’t think the people of PA really thought this out before supporting it. Here are the reasons why:

  • What excuse are you going to have when you hit that little old lady crossing the street with your car?
  • How bad are you going to feel when you realize your driving REALLY is bad enough that you hit parked cars while paying attention to the road?
  • Keeping up with tweets on twitter is going to be a major problem.
  • How are you going to keep up with your friends on Gossip Girl before work?
  • Do you realize how much it costs to “detox” from cell phone use and texting?
  • What are you going to do with all of the hats you had custom made to hide the tumor that formed on the side of your head you use the cell phone on when it goes away from lack of cell radiation?
  • What excuse are you going to have when you really don’t see that cop in your rear view mirror when you were going 90 mph on I79?


PS – People of PA, please think this out before you actually do it …… geez

BTW ….. what SWB really wants to say is “It took PA this long to ban cell phone use in cars?? Even the cell users are amazed.”