The Marina


“Tied” (c)Lawrence A Capozzolo

Tied up at the marina,
waiting for a friend.

I see excitement,
just around the bend.

Loosening the ropes,
i turn into the wind.

My friend walks up the dock,
apparently ready to launch.

“Hi ho my friend”,
he says at the bend.

My eyes roll back,
saying “you’re too much of a nerd”.

Jack shoots back,
“you expect me to act like the rest of the herd?”

At that time the lake laughs at Jack,
with a wave soaking his shoes.

I tilt my head back laughing,
thinking God helped me with a little payback.

Ignorant to what was coming,
the next wave knocked my right on my back.

Jack being no slack,
jumped to help right after the watery attack.

Off in the distance,
we heard quite a yell.

A dad telling his kid,
“stop playing with the fire-boat hose, you’ve rung someone’s bell.”


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