
Posts Tagged ‘pittsburgh movie native’

Spock is from Green Tree

May 7, 2009 Leave a comment

coolstuffBesides the fact that the new Start Trek is out, and geeks generally run blogs – one thing about the new movie that is considerably cool, is the fact that Spock is from Green Tree.

Zachary Quinto grew up in Green Tree.  If your not a fan and don’t know, Zachary is the new “Spock”.  Along with other famous beings that have ended up in the movies he also has some CMU Drama edu in his past as a 1999 graduate.  He also acquired a Gene Kelly award.  The Tribune-Review has a great review on the “rebirth” of Star Trek, along with some past history and timelines – Click Here to view it.

Considering the new special effects available, and the fact that J.J. Abrams, who does “Lost” and “Alias” is directing … this one might actually be worth it.  SWB has to give J.J. credit for having the guts to start from the beginning and retell the story.


PS – I wonder if Scotty messes up beaming someone, they now end up getting beamed into an abandoned section of Parkway Center Mall.